By: Marsigit
The Pshycological Aspect That Found
Reviewed by: Ulul Azmi Najitama
The development of the teaching profession today is already a demand for a teacher. Profession have someone who focuses on understanding the job based on skills, abilities, techniques, and procedures based on intellectuals (Volmer & Mills, 1966, Cully, 1969). Teachers have a role as a facilitator to facilitate students to learn the most by using various strategies or methods, media, and learning resources. Unlike in the past, the teacher only as a teaching center that just transferring knowledge to students, is called the traditional teaching paradigm. In modern times, as now, the teaching methods used of course also different, namely to act as a facilitator of the above-mentioned earlier. The personality of the teacher competencies include: acting in accordance with the norms of religion, law, social, and national culture of Indonesia; present themselves as personally honest, noble, and role model for students and the community; present yourself as a person steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritativ, high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher, and self-confidence, and uphold high-teaching profession.Teachers also have a role as a developer of a method or model that fits well and is used in accordance with the times and circumstance students. A teacher of mathematics required for innovative ways to always make the discussion of how we gain knowledge about the learning of mathematics in accordance with current trends. With such methods it is expected that students can develop the potential that exists within him.Implications of mathematics in the development of teaching methods. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships, according to this view in the development of methods or models of learning, teachers need to: (1) provide an opportunity for students to conduct discovery and investigation to determine the patterns of relationships, (2) provide an opportunity for students to perform experiment with a variety of ways, (3) encourage students to discover the sequence, difference, comparison, grouping, etc., (4) encourage students to draw general conclusions, (5) help students understand and discover the relationship between understanding one another. In addition there are many more implications of mathematics that can serve as a view to developing a method or model of learning.
Minggu, 25 September 2011
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
We as students majoring in math education in particular must know and master how to teach mathematics in English. Lately, in some town or area, a lot of schools open a bilingual class, international class, as well as the National School of International Level (SNBI) or International School (SBI). That in the course of learning required to use foreign languages, like English. However, in the course of learning still faced many problems, such as human resources. Older teachers who may not have been able to master the learning of mathematics with the English language. Therefore, we as the international mathematics education students are expected to be a teacher or teachers in these schools.
Speaking English to us not as a mother tongue, is very natural that in its daily application to meet some constraints. It's all back to the motivation of teachers in the environment. The desire and passion to practice is one strategy to become a good learner of English. Thus we will get used to speaking with English. And with that habit, we are expected to master the English language well, because the actual language is the habit of a group or society in communicating.
As a teacher of mathematics, teaching mathematics in English is a difficult task at the same time challenging. Therefore, once in front of the classroom teacher sometimes nervous, less confident, do not know where to start a conversation, how to turn the conversation in class, as well as an end in the classroom learning activities. Teachers are asked to teach English should be thrown away fear, lack confidence and courage rise. The ability to teaching with the English language can be achieved with a lot of practice and practice.
It is expected that teachers of mathematics can read and understand the terms and symbols mathematics in English is often used in learning mathematics. Without being able to read and understand the terms and symbols in mathematics, teachers can not possibly teach it. Therefore, in addition to mastering the English language, teachers must also be able to read and understand the terms and symbols mathematics in English is often used in learning mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics in English to run well.
In the era of globalization which penetrated almost every aspect of human life including education and of course we can not remain silent as a passive spectator. But instead, we must take a role and must not drift that would drag us. Welfare improvement demands that starts from the competence of teachers should also be addressed positively by teachers, and improving English language proficiency is one of the many capabilities that should be pursued.
Speaking English to us not as a mother tongue, is very natural that in its daily application to meet some constraints. It's all back to the motivation of teachers in the environment. The desire and passion to practice is one strategy to become a good learner of English. Thus we will get used to speaking with English. And with that habit, we are expected to master the English language well, because the actual language is the habit of a group or society in communicating.
As a teacher of mathematics, teaching mathematics in English is a difficult task at the same time challenging. Therefore, once in front of the classroom teacher sometimes nervous, less confident, do not know where to start a conversation, how to turn the conversation in class, as well as an end in the classroom learning activities. Teachers are asked to teach English should be thrown away fear, lack confidence and courage rise. The ability to teaching with the English language can be achieved with a lot of practice and practice.
It is expected that teachers of mathematics can read and understand the terms and symbols mathematics in English is often used in learning mathematics. Without being able to read and understand the terms and symbols in mathematics, teachers can not possibly teach it. Therefore, in addition to mastering the English language, teachers must also be able to read and understand the terms and symbols mathematics in English is often used in learning mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics in English to run well.
In the era of globalization which penetrated almost every aspect of human life including education and of course we can not remain silent as a passive spectator. But instead, we must take a role and must not drift that would drag us. Welfare improvement demands that starts from the competence of teachers should also be addressed positively by teachers, and improving English language proficiency is one of the many capabilities that should be pursued.
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
New Paradigm in Mathematics Teaching
There are some types of mathematics; nature mathematics, school mathematics, and student learn mathematics. They have different characteristics on the material, object, and how to teaching. Here we will discuss about school mathematics, and how to teach it to the younger students.
School mathematics is the branch of mathematics that modifier to get easy understand for younger students. We cannot give the nature of mathematics to younger student, because they will confuse and difficult to understand. The branch of mathematics that useful and match for younger students just school mathematics. In school mathematics, the object in nature mathematics changes and modify to the real object that can we watch. For example, cycle in nature mathematics modify and use real thing as coin, square as floor, cube as box, and etc. With this method, student can understand the object of mathematics easily.
In school mathematics, to teach mathematics to younger students, the younger students should not to adapt with mathematics, but mathematics should adapt to younger students. The easy-going mathematics adept with younger student world. There are some element to get harmony between mathematics and younger student. Harmony is the important things to scrape two different things. If there someone that cannot adept with his/her environment, he/her will expel by the environment.
To more know about school math we must know the definition. The definitions of school mathematics according to E. Bud and Striker in 1995 are:
1. Mathematics is source of pattern and relationship
2. Mathematics is investigation
3. Mathematics is problem solving
4. Mathematics is main of communication
And there are some elements to learn mathematics effectively, first is motivation. Motivation to learn mathematics here, grow from his/her self not from the other people. The second is collaboration with other. Collaboration with other is needed to solve the problem that we cannot understand. The third is learning individually. Beside we can collaboration with other, we must can learn individually to teach our self solve problem by our self not rely on other people. And the last is learning contextually.
The way to get good teaching school mathematics is we need to change the paradigm of teaching. The old paradigm is supposing the students as an empty barrel. The method of teaching is just transfer of knowledge from teacher to students, just give and direct. It is the traditional method of teaching. This paradigm is not compatible for this age. We must change into the new paradigm of teaching. In the new paradigm of teaching, the students are supposing as seed and they will grow and in the next time they will produce fruit. The teacher just as facilitator and (constructivism) invite the student to grow by their self.
In school mathematics, to teach mathematics to younger students, the younger students should not to adapt with mathematics, but mathematics should adapt to younger students. The easy-going mathematics adept with younger student world. There are some element to get harmony between mathematics and younger student. Harmony is the important things to scrape two different things. If there someone that cannot adept with his/her environment, he/her will expel by the environment.
To more know about school math we must know the definition. The definitions of school mathematics according to E. Bud and Striker in 1995 are:
1. Mathematics is source of pattern and relationship
2. Mathematics is investigation
3. Mathematics is problem solving
4. Mathematics is main of communication
And there are some elements to learn mathematics effectively, first is motivation. Motivation to learn mathematics here, grow from his/her self not from the other people. The second is collaboration with other. Collaboration with other is needed to solve the problem that we cannot understand. The third is learning individually. Beside we can collaboration with other, we must can learn individually to teach our self solve problem by our self not rely on other people. And the last is learning contextually.
The way to get good teaching school mathematics is we need to change the paradigm of teaching. The old paradigm is supposing the students as an empty barrel. The method of teaching is just transfer of knowledge from teacher to students, just give and direct. It is the traditional method of teaching. This paradigm is not compatible for this age. We must change into the new paradigm of teaching. In the new paradigm of teaching, the students are supposing as seed and they will grow and in the next time they will produce fruit. The teacher just as facilitator and (constructivism) invite the student to grow by their self.
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